
Payment Retry

STUDENT ID: 0102007 Retry your payment. We noticed that your recent payment attempt didn’t go through. Please kindly retry payment using your preferred payment option. Total term fee: £279 Total paid to date: – £69.75 Balance remaining: £209.25 Your payment options: Pay in full Pay the remaining balance of £209.25 by credit or debit card. […]

Bottom’s Dream

Bottom’s Dream a comedy adaptation of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. 5 pm, Saturday 20th July The Robinson Theatre, Hills Road Book tickets About the show On Midsummer’s Night, the real and fairy worlds collide. Deep in the magical forest, a feuding King and Queen cross paths with a group of amateur actors rehearsing a play […]

Payment Siblings

Congratulations on being successful in your audition! 🎉 Complete Enrolment for our Spring Term 2024! We look forward to welcoming your children to our Spring Term! Sibling 1: £279 Sibling 2: 40% DISCOUNT £167.40 Total for both siblings: £446.60 Includes First T-Shirt for FREE! Select Payment Option: Pay in full Pay the total by credit […]

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